Today, December 16 2021, we presented at the Press Conference the appeal of two women victims of trafficking against Italy e Libya. The two Country are accused of violating the articles 2 and 6 of the Convention on women rights. Princess and Doris (names are fictitious to protect the identity of the applicants), arrived in […]
Nigeria is the origin’s country of a very high number of migrants affected by repatriation actions both "forced" and "voluntary". Among them a very high percentage of women victims of trafficking are included and, during their journey, are unable to have access to the right of asylum, and are often not even informed about this possibility. Once repatriated they are then exposed to the phenomenon of re-victimization and again to the risk of trafficking. In Nigeria externalization policies are based on agreements and return policies with EU and member states, collection and use of biometric data, role of international agencies.
Trafficking and exploitation of Nigerian women: the impact of borders externalization policies on the right to international protection The containment of mobility from Libya and the use of so-called voluntary return programmes have a specific impact on the access to protection of migrants. This focus analyzes, through five in-depth articles, the way in which Nigerian […]
On 16 April 2021, a round table discussion with Nigerian experts on the changing ways in which trafficked persons are subjugated
On 16 April 2021, the online roundtable “The transformation of the ways in which Nigerian trafficked persons are subjugated for the purpose of sexual exploitation” will be held on Zoom. The event, which will see the presence of Nigerian experts on the topic of trafficking in human beings, is organised by ASGI, Dedalus, Weavers of Hope, Spazi Circolari. […]
Nigeria: The risk of re-trafficking and (in)voluntary return of victims of trafficking
By Federica Borlizzi Nigerian women are among the five non-European nationalities most at risk of trafficking. According to the IOM, 80% of the Nigerian women arriving in Italy are likely to be victims of trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation [1]. The journey to Europe is usually organized by a “madame” and the victims […]
Proceedings of the conference “Externalisation of borders: detention practices and denial of the right to asylum”
The event, organized by ASGI in the framework of the projects Sciabaca and Oruka, was held in Lagos, Nigeria from 25 to 27 February 2020. Conference agenda Presentation video In order to strengthen the network among the organizations already engaged in strategic actions against the outsourcing policies implemented by Italy and Europe, during the work […]
ASGI in Lagos, Nigeria: Externalization of borders, practices of detention and denial of the right to asylum
From 25 to 27 February 2020 the international conference “Externalization of borders: Practices of detention and denial of the right to asylum” took place in Lagos. The event, promoted by ASGI through the Oruka and Sciabaca Projects, aimed at strengthening networks among organizations engaged in strategic actions against externalization policies implemented by the EU and Italy.
On 25 and 26 February 2020 an international conference in Lagos (Nigeria) on externalization policies’ impact on migrants’ detention and access to asylum
The conference “Externalization of borders: Practices of detention and denial of the right to asylum”, to be held in Lagos on 25-26 February 2020, is promoted by ASGI as part of the Sciabaca & Oruka projects and aims to foster a public debate among African and European organizations on how border policies affect African citizens’ rights and their freedom of movement.